Media Inquiries:
Robert O. Lopez is represented by: Don Otis, Veritas Communications, Inc. • 719-275-7775•
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
99 This massive educators' group abets abuse by the LGBT community & persecutes people who resist it. Shame!
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Wednesday, June 14, 2017
98 John Zmirak on Soros & the Threat of Liberal Christianity
John Zmirak, a prominent editor at the Stream, joins host R.O. Lopez to discuss his recent exposés on George Soros's well-funded and stealthy takeover of American Christianity. A truly chilling discussion! Zmirak and Lopez also discuss a number of common distorted talking points, which come from liberal Christian groups. Zmirak offers quick and snappy counterpoints to ready people for Paul's instructions in Ephesians: "Do not be deceived by vain arguments." For more reading:
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Saturday, May 27, 2017
97 Exposé on Gay Lobby's Shady Dealings with Elementary Schools in Texas
Debbie Simons shares her work on fighting the abuse of public schools by pro-abortion and sexually radical lobbies. For more context on what Ms. Simons exposed about Human Rights Campaign's shady dealings with primary school curriculum, see here:
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017
96 Comprehensive Assessment of the Christian Pro-Family Movement..How have we done so far?
In this--the longest and arguably most comprehensive CogWatch--longtime veteran of the Culture Wars, Peter LaBarbera, confers with more recent Culture Warrior, Robert Oscar Lopez, for a frank and uncensored assessment of where the pro-family movement stands now, where to go next, what went wrong, who deserves our trust most in the future, and why there is still hope. For more background:
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Thursday, May 18, 2017
95 Forty years of sexual politics in urban and black schools
Dr. LaVerne Tolbert has a long history, going back to the 1970s, of advocating for health and spiritual development in black communities. She resigned from the board of directors of Planned Parenthood New York in 1980, relocated to Los Angeles, and never turned away from her mission of nurturing black youth from womb to adulthood, and protecting black lives. Here she speaks with Shirley Husar and Robert Oscar Lopez about her lessons learned and what black communities can do going forward.
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Monday, May 15, 2017
94 Uju Ekeocha breaks down LGBT diplomacy as neo-colonialism imposed on Africa
In this important podcast, Uju Ekeocha discusses her work fighting feminists and LGBT activists at the UN and around the world. Dr. Ekeocha explains that the very language justifying homosexuality and abortion clashes irreconcilably with every nation of Africa. She reviews the term of Barack Obama and explains why Africans largely reversed their support of him after he tried to force Senegal to endorse homosexuality. For more on Uju:
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Monday, May 8, 2017
Brittany Klein returns as co-hosto to talk about the heartbreaking stories of Anthony Esolen, Carol Swain, John McAdams, Paul Griffiths, and Rebecca Tuvel. In the last week all five names turned up in the news as people who have been pushed out of their academic jobs or, in the case of Rebecca Tuvel, were so thoroughly attacked that one can hardly imagine her surviving the tenure review coming up. Below are articles explaining the tragic Death Week in Academic History. In Lopez's piece, "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE," he takes an optimistic but harsh position, saying that whoever got pushed out of academia in its current state will go down as having scored a victory --for the Truth, against a system based on lies.
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92 Latino Educator on Challenges Facing Minority Parents
Alfonso Nava reflects on over 40 years of working in education, sharing his thoughts on the future struggles of Latino and Black parents, how to challenge troubling curriculum as it is imposed.
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Tuesday, May 2, 2017
91 Millennial writer weighs in on the future of social conservatism among his peers
Stephen Herreid is still in his twenties but is one of several Millennials finding their voice as pro-family conservatives. Having served as editor of Intercollegiate Review, now columnists at many Catholic or faith-based sites like Stream, he has resisted many of the trends of his generation. He rejects the pro-life/pro-gay tendencies of many young traditionalists, but then surprises people by bucking group opinion and defending exiled conservatives like Tomi Lahren and Milo Yiannopoulos. His perspective gives important clues to older traditionalists about whether their years of working promoting family values will have a future in 20-30 years, when Millennials will be at the height of their power and in control of all the advocacy structures that conservative activists built during the Reagan era and afterwards. In this interview with Robert Oscar Lopez, Herreid delivers some key points:
1. Millennials look nonchalant and lazy, but they work very hard to affect that air, and they are harder workers than people think.
2. There is a religiosity among his generation but it is fragile and has to be protected from the risk of superficiality and groupthink.
3. Much damage has occurred because people treated his generation as a different species, and failed to convey to them a timeless call to virtue and heroism.
4. Herreid believes his generation will have to forego attempts to break into the blue-ribbon conservative sites like National Review, and embrace the possibilities of Twitter to build their own networks.
5. Herreid is not pessimistic. He has strategic suggestions for each of the 15 battlefields considered in this piece below:
For more of Stephen's writing:
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Saturday, April 22, 2017
90 The truth about radical sex education, from someone who used to promote it
Monica Cline spent a decade and a half spreading the left's gospel of sex-positive, anti-abstinence, no-judgments radicalism. She worked for a gay men's health group and went around telling women of color and homosexuals to do anything that felt good, but just wear a condom, use lubricant and get tested for HIV at regular intervals. Then she became a Christian and soon realized that the solutions proposed by comprehensive sex ed were worse than doing nothing at all. Now she is a trained advocate, armed with research, teaching vulnerable populations that self-control, true risk avoidance, abstinence, and chastity are far and away the best recourses to build personal prosperity. She has a ranging conversation with Robert Oscar Lopez about her journey from naivete to disillusionment to new wisdom.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017
89 Alliance between Conservative Christians and Radical Feminists
Emily Zinos is a leader in the movement called Hands Across the Aisle. This is a surprising coalition of women from left and right, united against trans policies that erase the biological definition of women. She shares with Robert Oscar Lopez the challenges and lessons of uniting people across fraught political divides for a common goal. Lopez asks whether an alliance such as this would work if it weren't exclusively female; both he and Zinos conclude that probably it wouldn't. For more information:
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Monday, April 10, 2017
88 LGBT Movement Overrunning Hispanic elementary students
Caryl Ayala, a Texan teacher, opens up about what she saw happening in a Title 1, majority-Latino elementary school in Texas. Sadly, in Hispanic school districts often parents are scared to confront school administrators about the troubling curriculum forced on their students. The dependence of poor, minority-dominant schools on grants and financial assistance also means oftentimes administrators are gagged and cannot push back against sexually inappropriate curriculum in their schools. This is an interview you have to hear if you are still hearing everywhere that LGBT fits in with multiculturalism. For more reading:
How can we get more Latinos to stand up as bravely as Caryl has?
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Thursday, April 6, 2017
87 Texas Grandmother Turned Education Firebrand, Sharon Armke!
Guest Sharon Armke joins RO Lopez to talk about new grassroots efforts in Texas to fight LGBT curriculum for children ages four to ten. Believe it or not, gay groups have successfully snuck perverse LGBT curriculum in pre-K and elementary schools across Texas. Sharon Armke, now in her sixties, woke up to the crisis recently. More on the efforts she is spearheading here:
How can we get more grandmothers and mothers like Sharon involved?
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86 Transgender Tempest!
Brittany Klein joins RO Lopez to discuss a convergence of transgender controversies. Where is this headed and how far down the rabbit hole will we go? See articles below for more:
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Saturday, March 18, 2017
Interview with California radio about higher education & K-12 curriculum
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Interviews with Jerry Newcombe and Michael Brown!
These are both about Wackos Thugs & Perverts. Much detail to mull over! vocal-point-robert-oscar- lopez-4/
Friday, February 24, 2017
Interviews on HIgher Education!!!!

[Wackos Thugs & Perverts has been published with MassResistance in Waltham, MA. It is available at Amazon:
Make sure to check it out--it's only $10!]
[Updates: This interview was with KPOF Denver. ]
— Robert Oscar Lopez (@Baptist4freedom) February 25, 2017Interview with a Virginia radio station:
Interview with Jerry Newcombe:
Interview with Carrie Abbott:
As rioters consumed Berkeley, the commentariat on both left and right worked themselves into a frenzy.
A speech by Milo Yiannopoulos was canceled as over a thousand violent radicals shot fireworks at people, smashed windows, clubbed people on the street, and started a dangerous bonfire with an electrical structure in front of a famous student union.
By the early morning hours of the next day, as frayed nerves still prevailed in the famed city of Telegraph Avenue and Sproul Hall, President Trump took the unprecedented and long overdue measure of stating that federal funds would not be guaranteed to institutions like Berkeley if they failed to protect "free speech."
The right largely howled in joy upon seeing a president confront head-on the supposed liberal dominance of academia, while the left quickly cried foul, accusing Trump of being "authoritarian" and trying to oppress the intelligentsia.
The Berkeley riots represent a golden opportunity to reform higher education, but it is an opportunity that can easily slip away. My book, Wackos Thugs & Perverts, was being finished for publication just as this happened. I point out the following things in this book, which are crucial to understand:
- Contrary to what the left claims, the Kochs are not the problem threatening true scholarship--the Clintons and their acolytes are. "Clintonworld" has corrupted academia to its very core since the 1990s.
- Cutting off money is the ONLY way to reform academia. Colleges are no longer intimidated by lawsuits, bad press, or the strength of high-minded arguments. There are no people with ethical obligations to the public good left in the decision-making structure. They will only change if their money is threatened.
- Cutting off money has a multiplier healing effect. Many of the "warlords" and "goons" I document in the book are able to hold power simply because they are sitting on enormous amounts of public cash, with which they can be rainmakers for scores of local thugs and nutjobs.
- Contrary to what the right claims, students are not snowflakes and they are not the problem. They are overwhelmingly not orchestrating these outbursts, but are rather being controlled by corrupt puppeteers who sit on a nexus between Democrat politicians and the bigwigs in academia.
- Academia is the biggest problem facing American democracy. Unlike Hollywood, the news media, Wall Street, or the courts, academia has longevity and uniformity in every state of the union.
- Clinton's defeat in the 2016 election will only be temporary unless we do something. Her tyrannical model of political warfare by emotional manipulation is safe and unflappable in academia, waiting to regroup and re-install the dictatorship their party enjoyed during the decadent late years of Obama.
- Contrary to what the right claims, there is racism in the academy, and a lot of it.
- Contrary to what the left claims, virtually all movements in the academy that claim to be about race are really about LGBT ideology.
- The right wing has lost because conservatives think they are at a debate when they are really at war; they think their left-wing adversaries are intellectuals with a different opinion when really academia is populated by gangsters and the thugs they hire. Conservatives have yet to figure out that there are no "liberals," just corrupt racketeers in charge of the academy, who foster decadence so they can control groups of people whom they view with contempt but whom they force to depend on them.
- If you debate "academic freedom," you are letting Clintonworld win, because they have all the tenured professorships under their control. The best result you will get is the academic establishment's telling you that you have a right to say what you want but you will never get a job on a campus and the left will assure that you are never listened to. The worst result you will get is the left's dispensing with any veneers of relativism and telling you that you don't have a right to think for yourself, because they have ways of punishing you for being different and it will be very painful.
- Rather than worry about "bias" or "free speech," reformers have to think in terms of anti-trust and anti-racketeering action. We need a RICO for higher education because the problem is first and foremost corruption.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
85 The Fall of Milo & The Depravity of Both Left and Right
Bobby and Brittany join with special guest Jeannette Victoria, a researcher with expertise in forensic psychology. The three commentators share their grave concerns about the way both right and left-wing groups treated Milo Yiannopoulos during the disastrous few days during which Milo lost his CPAC keynote speech, his book deal with Simon & Schuster, and his job. For more background information on the left and right's shameful history of doing nothing about pederasty even in the face of repeated and obvious warnings read:
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Sunday, February 19, 2017
84 The Frightening Psychosis Used to Justify Berkeley's Violence
Brittany and Bobby discuss the five editorials that Berkeley's newspaper, the Daily Californian, ran, all DEFENDING the violence of rioters who rampaged in order to stop Milo from speaking. Calling their rioting "self-defense", casting Milo's possible speech as more violent than real violence, and using many psychotic rationalizations, the five students were encouraged by Berkeley's perverse political climate to dismiss legitimate alarm about the violence that tore the city apart on February 1, 2017.
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Friday, January 20, 2017
83 A Blunt, Politically Incorrect Talk about Abolishing Arts & Humanities Funding
There were public suggestions that Trump would push for abolition of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Naturally many left-of-center artists and writers went into hysterics, saying this was a case of art being suppressed. Brittany and Bobby have a different take. The NEA and NEH are so corrupt and closed off, it might be better for America and for art if the ties to government were severed. For reference:
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
A great conversation with Larry Pratt on academic freedom!
This was a great talk between two generations of academic exiles:
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Thursday, January 12, 2017
82 Pediatrician speaks out: Childhood is not the time/place for gender politics or LGBT
Michelle Cretella has been the president of the American College of Pediatricians for four years. She speaks frankly and in depth about the threat to children posed by LGBT politics, especially the move to normalize homosexuality and transsexualism among kids.
For more reading:
Press release for updated GD statement:
Updated Position Statement that expands beyond Gender Ideology Harms & JAPS article:
A Medical Response to Obama's School Edict written by ACPEDS - endorsed by AAPS, CMA & CMDA thereby representing over 30,000 health professionals:
Gender Identity page containing the above and some other resources:
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Monday, January 9, 2017
81 part 4 -- Can Christians Trust their Leaders? (The Eastern Orthodox)
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Stella Morabito |
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81 part 3: Orthodox Jews face many of the same questions as do Christians about leadership
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Brittany Klein |
During this podcast we reference several screen shots that were sent to Robert Oscar Lopez from worried Orthodox Jews who found evidence of a concerted movement to plant gay liberals into Yeshivas and other Jewish institutions with the goal of forcing such institutions to relax the Torah's rules against homosexuality. Here are some of these screen shots:
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Sunday, January 8, 2017
81 pt. 2: Can Christians Trust their Leaders? Part 2 (Baptists)
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Thomas Littleton |
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81 -- Can Christians Trust their Leaders? Part 1 (Catholics)
In Part 1 of this series discussing Christians' coping with the aftermath of the Obama Era's "occupation" of Christianity, the CogWatch faith team hears from Joseph Sciambra, who has been following the intrusion of the LGBT agenda into Catholic communities. Joseph blogs at
Part 2 will deal with the Southern Baptists.
Part 3 will deal with the Orthodox Jews.
Part 4 will deal with the Eastern Orthodox churches.
Stay tuned for the four-part series--you will not want to miss these! For more reading on Catholicism:
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"All children need is love...." say people who do not understand children or love
When confronted with the reality that same-sex parenting has become entangled with human trafficking, the buying and selling of children, exploitation of surrogate mothers, and denial of children's rights, people often respond with these words : "but gay parents love their children." It is important to remember some things about love. Love is subjective and often vague. People have often done terrible things to people whom they love: there have been abusers who loved the people they abused, slavers who loved the people they bought and sold, and others who have lied to those whom they loved, lest they lose their loved ones. Love is a human good, but not a basis on which to measure children's rights. We do not question that gay men and lesbians can be loving parents -- we know they can, because for thousands of years they stayed together with partners of the opposite sex so that their children would have a mother and father. Children's rights depend on things that go far beyond love: respect for the lifelong impact that one's decisions will have on a child as he becomes an adult, honor for the child's other biological parent, and truthfulness in telling the child about her origins.
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Thursday, January 5, 2017
I care about leftists so much I have advice for them to rebuild!
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